So it turns out that Baños is known for a couple of things; The waterfall route, adventure activities and it's hot springs. Well we'd already done the waterfall route and as it was our last day in Baños we couldn't really do any adventure activities. So the hot springs it was!
Emma had been nagging for days about the hot springs so we couldn't really avoid it! Despite the weather trying it's best to test the wrath of Emma. Nevertheless we braved the rain and got rather lucky as it started to subside a bit by the time we got to the springs.
There were several different baths within the hot springs area - hot, pretty hot and surface of the sun hot. I don't really like hot water... I can't explain why, it's just the way my skin works. Combine this with my sunkissed arms and the surface of the sun level bath was ridiculous. They suggest not spending more than five minutes in each one at a time. I could barely spend five seconds in that one!
Nevertheless it was an experience and it appeased Emma. Maybe I'll try and lean more towards the adventure activities next time. For now though it's the 8ish hour bus journey to our next and final stop in Ecuador - the historic Cuenca.
After a few disruptions with regards to where we are staying in Cuenca, we managed to find a very nice hotel in the old town of Cuenca. Looking forward to exploring what has been cited as The place where ex-pat Americans go to retire.