Didn't feel too great this morning. I think the malaria tablets mess me up a little when I'm on an empty stomach. Will learn from this. I couldn't even finish my delicious chicken wings for brunch. Thankfully Emma was feeling much better and managed to destroy her food.
This was merely a stepping stone onto our tour of La Paz. We met up at the tour at a sun-baked plaza. Little did we know but there was a prison holding 2500 criminals next to us... according to the guide Bolivia has the policy of guilty until proven innocent. This meant that there was a huge population there, many of which could be innocent... slightly odd principle.
We were led through many markets. They sold absolutely everything. The markets transcended into witch doctor markets which is where it got interesting... hanging in the front of nearly every store were several dead llamas of varying sizes and fur levels. Apparently witch doctors are hired to bless the sites of new properties. For the smaller buildings there would be just a llama and some other small sacrifices. However, for the larger buildings a human was required. The witch doctors would seek out society's delinquents and find a "suitable" sacrifice. Different cultures can be interesting to say the least. The look on Emma's face when the tour guide mentioned these "facts" was priceless.
We continued onto the main market where once again, almost everything could be found. What particularly took the eye was the flowers and the fruits. Nevertheless a fruit juice was purchased, needless to say it was delicious.
We managed to find an interesting English pub to grab a drink and some food at. They had many different signs but the service was well and truly South American. They never seem to want to offer you anything more. It does seem as if they don't want more money...
Our first full day in La Paz was quite interesting. Hopefully tomorrow we can explore the city some more. Local wrestlers should be something completely different. Hopefully it will be the highlight of tomorrow's post.